Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita presso l’Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti nel 1995
Iscritto all’ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della provincia di Chieti dal 1996
Specializzato in Ricerca Oncologica dal 2005
Attualmente lavora presso la Clinica Pierangeli (Pe) come
Dirigente Medico presso l'Unità di Chirurgia generale ad Indirizzo Oncologico
Role connective tissue growth factor in pancreatic diseases.
First European Meeting on Connective Tissue Growth Factor, Basel (Switzerland), 27 August 1997.
Connective tissue growth factor is involved in fibrosis in human chronic pancreatitis.
XXII National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas, Francavilla al Mare (Italy), 1-4 October 1998
Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) regulates fibrosis in chronic pancreatitis.
European Society for Surgical Research, Bern (Switzerland), 22-24 April, 1999.
Cytokin but not thachykinin gene expression is increased in chronic pancreatitis.
European Society for Surgical Research, Bern (Switzerland), 22-24 April, 1999.
Nerve growth factor and its high affinity receptor in human chronic pancreatitis
First Mediterranean Congress of Pancreatology and XXIII National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas, Bologna (Italy), 23-25 September, 1999
Influence of Connective tissue growth factor in human and rats acute necrotizing pancreatitis
XXIV National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas, Capri (Itay), 27-29 September, 2000
Substance P gene expression in chronic pancreatitis
XXV National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas, Como (Italy), 21-23 September, 2001
Neuropeptides influence cell growth and prognosis of pancreatic cancer.
XXVI National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas, Rome (Italy), 18-21 September, 2002
Influenza dei neurotrasmettitori algogeni sulla crescita cellulare nel cancro pancreatico.
XXVII Congresso Nazionale Societá Italiana di Chirurgia Oncologica, Cagliari (Italy), 29-311 May, 2003
Espressione del connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) nel cancro pancreatico.
XXVII Congresso Nazionale Societá Italiana di Chirurgia Oncologica, Cagliari (Italy), 29-31 May, 2003
NEP and SP pathway in chronic pancreatitis.
Europen Pancreatic Club 2010, Stockolm (Sweden) 16 -19.06.2010
mRNA alteration in pancreatic cancer.
Europen Pancreatic Club 2011, Magdeburg (Germany) 21 -23.06.2011
Influence of preoperative biliary drainage on surgical outcome after pancreaticoduodenectomy
Europen Pancreatic Club 2012, Praga (Rep Ceca) 20 -23.06.2012
MicroRNA expression alteration in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Europen Pancreatic Club 2012, Praga (Rep Ceca) 20 -23.06.2012
Preoperative biliary drainage on surgical outcome after pancreaticoduodenectomy
American Pancreatic Association 2012, Miami (USA) 31 -3.11.2012
MicroRNA expression in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
American Pancreatic Association 2012, Miami (USA) 31 -3.11.2012
Pancreatic Pain: from Pathophysiology to Therapy. United by the sea, Chieti (Italy), 19-21 May, 2005
Terapia chirurgica delle metastasi epatiche. Corso monotematico, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo, 20.settembre.2005
Training in hepatobiliary surgery. 4th Congress of the Italian Chapter and 7th Congress of the European Chapter of the international Hepato-Biliary Association (EHPBA) 6-9 June 2007 Verona (Italia)
Radiofrequency vs surgery for liver metastasis. 4th Congress of the Italian Chapter and 7th Congress of the European Chapter of the international Hepato-Biliary Association (EHPBA) 6-9 June 2007 Verona (Italia)
La pancreatite autoimmune. Corso di Gastroeneterologia, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo, 19.06.2007
Terapia chirurgica del Morbo di Crohn perianale. Corso di Gastroeneterologia, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo, 19.06.2007
Gestione degli accidenti i.o. e delle complicanze p.o. precoci e tardive. Il trattamento chirurgico delle patologie pancreatiche, Ancona 14-15.12.2008
Pancreatite autoimmune. Corso di Chirurgia, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo (Italia), 09.09.2008
Surgical therapy of pancreatic cancer. Abruzzo Symposia. Pancreatic Disease: from molecules to patients. Fara San Martino (CH), 22-25 Maggio 2009
Fistola pancreatica; 29° Congresso Nazionale ACOI (Paestum), 26-29 Maggio 2010
Gestione del dolore in chirurgia. PFA dolore cronico. IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo, 28.11.2011
Appropiatezza degli esami ematochimici in urgenza. PFA Linee Guida e raccomandazioni esami in urgenza, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo, 28.02.2012
Terapia chirurgica del cancro del pancreas. L'appropriatezza in ECO - Endoscopia - 12 Maggio 2012 Lecce Ospedale V. Fazzi.
Fattori Prognostici. 44° convegno multidisciplinare in Oncologia. “ Attualità sul trattamento dei tumori del pancreas e del fegato” Bari 18-19 settembre 2012
Chirurgia senza sangue: Influenza sulla prognosi in chirurgia oncologica. ACOI Puglia 27.10.2012 San Giovanni Rotondo (Fg)
XVII Forum Nazionale Di Chirurgia Oncologica: Anastomosi pancreatico-digiunale. Foggia 25-26-10.2012
Pancreatic cancer: Preoperative biliry drainage (PBD) in pancreatic cancer. Salerno 20-21.06.2013
La chirurgia Videolaparoscopica del colon retto. ACOI Abruzzo-Molise. Fast Track in chirurgia colo-rettale open e laparoscopica. Ortona 20.06.2014
Brescia 06.2015. Quale ricostruzione dopo DCP?
Aquila 06.2015: La chirurgia robotica dello stomaco
Chieti 06.2015: Risultati della esperienza in chirurgia robotica
Scanno 09.2016: Duodenocefalopancreasectomia robotica
Lanciano 03.12.2016: Divericolite acuta: approccio laparoscopico
Scanno 09.2018: TA-TME
Scanno 2020: Resezione della flessura splenica laparoscopica
Avellino 2021: Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
Vincitore del Premio di Studio AISP negli anni 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 per migliore contributo scientifico (vedi presentazioni a congressi)
Vincitore della Borsa di Studio “Enrico Ruggieri” per titoli scientifici e consegnata durante il 106°congresso della Società Italiana di Chirurgia (SIC), svoltosi a Roma, dal 21.10- al 23.10.2004
Professore a contratto presso la scuola di specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale dell’Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti per la disciplina “Biologia molecolare clinica Metodologia della ricerca clinica e sperimentale” (Dir. Prof. P. Innocenti) I aa di corso 2007/2008; 2008/2009; 2009/2010; 2010/2011; 2011/2012. 2017/2020 per la disciplina “Anatomia chirurgica” V aa (Dir Prof. R. Cotellese)
Abilitazione nazionale alle funzioni di professore universitario di I e II fascia per il settore concorsuale 06/C1-Chirurgia Generale (scadenza nov. 2024)
Master in Chirurgia Robotica del pancreas Università di Chigago Illinios 2015
Master in Chirurgia Robotica del pancreas Univerità di Pittsburgh 2015
Master in Chirurgia Laparoscopica dello stomaco AIMS Ospedale Niguarda, Milano 2017
Master in Chirurgia Laparoscopica della parete addominale ospedale Niguarda, Milano 2018-2019
Master in Management Sanitario per dirigenti medici Università Bocconi, Milano dal 2/10 al 14/12/2017
Tang WH, Friess H, di Mola FF, Schilling M, Maurer C, Graber HU, Dervenis C, Zimmermann A, Büchler MW. Activation of the serine proteinase system in chronic kidney rejection. Transplantation 1998, 65: 1628-1634 (IF: 4.1)
Guo XZ, Friess H, di Mola FF, Heinicke JM, Abou-Shady M, Graber HU, Baer HU, Zimmermann A, Korc M, Büchler MW. KAI 1, a new metastasis suppressor gene, is reduced in metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 1998, 28: 1481-1488 (IF: 8,1)
Friess H, di Mola FF, Egger B, Scheuren A, Kleeff J, Zimmermann A, Buchler MW. Transforming growth factor-beta controls pathogenesis of Crohn disease. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 1998; 115: 994-997 (IF: 1.367)
di Mola FF, Friess H, Scheuren A, Di Sebastiano P, Graber HU, Egger B, Zimmermann A, Korc M, Büchler MW. Transforming growth factor-betas and their signalling receptors are coexpressed in Crohn’s disease. Ann Surg, 1999, 229: 67-75 (IF: 6,67)
di Mola FF, Friess H, Martignoni ME, Di Sebastiano P, Zimmermann A, Innocenti P, Graber H, Gold LI, Korc M, Büchler MW. Connective tissue growth factor is a regulator for fibrosis in human chronic pancreatitis. Ann Surg, 1999, 230: 63-71 (IF: 6,67)
Di Sebastiano P, Grossi L, di Mola FF, Angelucci D, Friess H, Marzio L, Innocenti P, Büchler MW. SR 140333, a substance P receptor antagonist, influences morphological and motor changes in rat experimental colitis. Dig Dis Sci, 1999, 44:439-444 (IF: 1.51)
Zhu ZW, Friess H, di Mola FF, Zimmermann A, Graber HU, Korc M, Büchler MW. Nerve growth factor expression correlates with perineural invasion and pain in human pancreatic cancer. J Clin Oncol 1999, 17: 2419-2428 (IF: 8.53)
Di Sebastiano P, Weihe E, di Mola FF, Fink T, Innocenti P, Friess H, Büchler MW. Neuroimmune appendicitis. Lancet, 1999, 7; 354: 461-466 (IF: 60.32)
Friess H, Zhu ZW, di Mola FF, Kulli C, Graber HU, Andren-Sandberg Å, Zimmermann A, Korc M, Reinshagen M, Büchler MW. Nerve growth factor and its high affinity receptor in chronic pancreatitis. Ann Surg, 1999; 230:615-624 (IF: 6,67)
di Mola FF, Friess F, Zhu Z-W, Koliopanos A, Bley T, Di Sebastiano P, Innocenti P, Zimmermann A, Büchler MW. Nerve Growth Factor and Trk-high affinity receptor (TrkA) gene expression in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gut, 2000, 46:670-679 (IF: 6,17)
Di Sebastiano P, Friess H, di Mola FF, Innocenti P, Büchler MW. Mechanisms of pain in chronic pancreatitis. Ann Ital Chir 2000; 71 (1): 11-16
Zhu ZW, Friess H, Wang L, di Mola FF, Zimmermann A, Buchler MW. Down-regulation of nerve growth factor in poorly differentiated and advanced human esophageal cancer. Anticancer Res 2000; 20 (1A): 125-132 (IF: 1.41)
Di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF, Di Febbo C, Baccante G, Porreca E, Innocenti P, Friess H, Büchler MW. Expression of Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and Substance P in human chronic pancreatitis. Gut 2000; 47: 423-428 (IF: 6,17)
Abou-Shady M, Friess H, Zimmermann A, di Mola FF, Guo XZ, Baer HU, Buchler MW. Connective tissue growth factor in human liver cirrhosis. Liver 2000; 20: 296-230 (IF: 1.794)
Shrikande S, Friess H, di Mola FF, Tempia A, Conejio-Garcia JR, Zhu Z, Zimmermann A, Büchler MW. NK-1 receptor gene expression is related to pain in chronic pancreatitis. Pain 2001; 91: 209-217 (IF: 4.541)
Di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF, Artese L, Rossi C, Mascetta G, Pernthaler H, Innocenti P. Beneficial effects of BB-94, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, in rat experimental colitis. Digestion, 2001; 63:234-239 (IF: 1.89)
di Mola FF, Friess H, Riesle E, Koliopanos A, Büchler P, Zhu Z-W, Brigstock DR, Korc M, Büchler MW. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is involved in pancreatic repair and tissue remodelling in human and rat acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Ann Surg 2002; 235: 60-67 (IF: 6,67)
Koliopanos A, Friess H, di Mola FF, Tang WH, Kubulus D, Zimmermann A, Büchler MW. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) gene expression alters tumor progression in esofageal cancer. World J Surgery 2002; 26: 420-427 (IF: 1.644)
Zhu ZW, Friess H, Shi X, Wang L, di Mola FF, Wirtz M, Hartel M, Wagner M, Zimmermann A, Müller M, Büchler MW. Up-Regulation of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is associated with apoptosis in chronic pancreatitis. Dig Dis Sci 2003; 48 (4): 717-725 (IF: 1.51)
Di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF, Friess H, Büchler MW. Chronic pancreatitis: the perspective of pain generation by neuroimmune interaction. Gut 2003; 6: 906-910 (IF: 6.17)
di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P, Zhu Z, Gardini A, Muller MW, Friess H, Innocenti P, Buchler MW. [Effect of pain-related neurotransmitters on cellular growth in cancer of the pancreas] Tumori 2003; 89(4 Suppl): 60 (IF 0.348)
di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P, Gardini A, Hartel M, Buchler MW, Friess H, Innocenti P. [Expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) in pancreatic cancer] Tumori 2003 Jul-Aug;89(4 Suppl): 58-9 (IF 0.348)
Hartel M, di Mola FF, Gardini A, Zimmermann A, Di Sebastiano P, Guweidhi A, Innocenti P, Giese T, Giese N, Buchler MW, Friess H. Desmoplastic reaction influences pancreatic cancer growth behavior. World J Surg 2004; 28(8): 818-25 (IF: 1.644)
Koninger J, Giese T, di Mola FF, Wente MN, Esposito I, Bachem MG, Giese NA, Buchler MW, Friess H. Pancreatic tumor cells influence the composition of the extracellular matrix. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 322(3): 943-9 (IF: 2.836)
Koninger J, Giese NA, di Mola FF, Berberat P, Giese T, Esposito I, Bachem MG, Buchler MW, Friess H. Overexpressed decorin in pancreatic cancer: potential tumor growth inhibition and attenuation of chemotherapeutic action. Clin Cancer Res 2004;10(14):4776-83 (IF: 6,511)
di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P, Gardini A, Innocenti P, Zimmermann A, Buchler MW, Friess H. Differential expression of connective tissue growth factor in inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion 2004; 69(4): 245-53 (IF: 1.89)
Esposito I, Bergmann F, Penzel R, di Mola FF, Shrikhande S, Buchler MW, Friess H, Otto HF. Oligoclonal T-cell populations in an inflammatory pseudotumor of the pancreas possibly related to autoimmune pancreatitis: an immunohistochemical and molecular analysis. Virchows Arch 2004; 444(2): 119-26 (IF: 2.357)
Di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF, Buchler MW, Friess H. Pathogenesis of pain in chronic pancreatitis. Dig Dis 2004;22(3): 267-72 (IF 1.38)
Koninger J, di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P, Gardini A, Brigstock DR, Innocenti P, Buchler MW, Friess H. Transforming growth factor-beta pathway is activated in cholecystolithiasis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005; 390(1):21-8. (IF: 1.367)
Koninger J, Giese NA, Bartel M, di Mola FF, Berberat PO, di Sebastiano P, Giese T, Buchler MW, Friess H. The ECM proteoglycan decorin links desmoplasia and inflammation in chronic pancreatitis. J Clin Pathol 2006, 59(1): 21-27 (IF: 2.576)
Hartel M, di Mola FF, Salvaggi F, Mascetta G, Wente MN, Felix K, Giese NA, Hinz U, Di Sebastiano P, Büchler MW, Friess H. Vanilloids in Pancreatic Cancer: Potential for Chemotherapy and Pain Management. Gut 2005; 55(4):519-28 (IF: 6.17)
di Mola FF, Friess H, Koninger J, Selvaggi F, Esposito I, Buchler MW, Di Sebastiano P. Hemorrhoids and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1. Gut 2006, 55: 1665-1666 (IF: 6.17)
Michalski CW, di Mola FF, Kummel K, Wendt M, Koninger JS, Giese T, Giese NA, Friess H. Human inflammatory bowel disease does not associate with Lawsonia intracellularis infection. BMC Microbiol 2006, 19;6(1): 81 (IF 2.9)
Michalski CW, Autschbach F, Selvaggi F, Shi X, di Mola FF, Roggo A, Muller MW, Di Sebastiano P, Buchler MW, Giese T, Friess H. Increase in substance P precursor mRNA in noninflamed small-bowel sections in patients with Crohn's disease. Am J Surg 2007; 193(4): 476-81 (IF 2.34)
di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P. Pain and pain generation in pancreatic diseases. Am J Surg 2007; 194(4): S65-70 (IF 1.954)
di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P. Pain and pain generation in pancreatic cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2008 Jan 12; 2008; 393(6): 919-22 (IF: 1.367)
di Mola FF, Friess H, Buchler MW, di Sebastiano P. Re.: Pravin J. Gupta: Red hot chili consumption is harmful in patients operated for anal fissure-a randomized, double blind, controlled study. Dig Surg 2008; 25: 124-125 (IF: 1.397)
Köninger J, Wente MN, Müller-Stich BP, di Mola FF, Gutt CN, Hinz U, Müller MW, Friess H, Büchler MW. R2 resection in pancreatic cancer-does it make sense? Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2008; 393(6): 929-34 (IF: 1.367)
di Sebastiano P, Festa L, Büchler MW, di Mola FF. Surgical aspects in management of hepato-pancreatico-biliary tumours in the elderly. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2009; 23(6):919-23. (IF: 2.951)
di Sebastiano P, Festa L, De Bonis A, Ciuffreda A, Valvano MR, Andriulli A, di Mola FF. A modified fast-track program for pancreatic surgery: a prospective single-center experience. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2011; 396(3): 345-51 (IF: 1.367)
Tavano F, di Mola FF, Latiano A, Palmieri O, Bossa F, Valvano MR, Latiano T, Annese V, Andriulli A, di Sebastiano P. Neuroimmune interactions in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: disease activity and clinical behavior based on Substance P serum levels. J crohn colitis; 2012; 6(5): 563-70 (IF 2.628)
Mascetta G, di Mola FF, Tavano F, Selvaggi F, Giese N, Bassi C, Büchler MW, Friess H, di Sebastiano P. Substance P and neprilysin in chronic pancreatitis. Eur Surg Res 2012 2012;48(3):131-8 (IF 1.214)
Piepoli A, TavanoF, Copetti M, Mazza T, Palumbo O, PanzaP, di Mola FF, Pazienza V, Mazzoccoli G, Biscaglia G, Gentile A, MastrodonatoN, Carella M, Pellegrini F, di Sebastiano P, Andriulli A. miRNA Expression Profiles Identify Drivers In Colorectal And Pancreatic Cancers. PlosOne; 2012;7(3):e33663. Epub 2012 Mar 30 (IF 4,411)
Tavano F, di Mola FF, Piepoli A, Panza A, Copetti M, Burbaci FP, Latiano T, Pellegrini F, Maiello E, Andriulli A, di Sebastiano P. Changes in miR-143 and miR-21 Expressions and Clinicopathological Correlations in Pancreatic Cancers. Pancreas; 2012 Nov;41(8):1280-4 (IF 2.607)
Rosati A, Bersani S, Tavano F, Dalla Pozza E, De Marco M, Palmieri M, De Laurenzi V, Franco R, Scognamiglio G, Palaia R, Fontana A, di Sebastiano P, Donadelli M, Dando I, Medema JP, Dijk F, Welling L, di Mola FF, Pezzilli R, Turco MC, Scarpa A. Expression of the antiapoptotic protein BAG3 is a feature of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and its overexpression is associated with poorer survival. Am J Pathol, 2012 Nov;181(5):1524-9 (IF 5.2)
Pazienza V, Tavano F, Benegiamo G, Vinciguerra M, Burbaci FP, Copetti M, di Mola FF, Andriulli A, di Sebastiano P. Correlations among PPARγ, DNMT1, and DNMT3B Expression Levels and Pancreatic Cancer. PPAR Research (2012) 461784. doi: 10.1155/2012/461784. Epub 2012 Aug 8 (IF 1.55)
Pazienza V, Tavano F, Francavilla M, Fontana A, Pellegrini F, Benegiamo G, Corbo V, di Mola FF, Di Sebastiano P, Andriulli A, Mazzoccoli G. Time-Qualified Patterns of Variation of PPARγ, DNMT1, and DNMT3B Expression in Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines. PPAR Res. 2012;2012:890875. Epub 2012 Aug 26 (IF 1.55)
Falco A, Rosati A, Festa M, Basile A, De Marco M, d'Avenia M, Pascale M, Dal Piaz F, Tavano F, Di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Berloco PB, Nudo F, Caraglia M, Febbraro A, Barcaroli D, Scarpa A, Pezzilli R, De Laurenzi V, Turco MC. BAG3 is a novel serum biomarker for pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Am J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jul;108(7):1178-80 (IF 7.553)
Tavano F, Palmieri O, di Mola FF, Latiano A, Burbaci FP, Valvano MR, Corritore G, Augello B, Merla G, Annese V, Andriulli A, di Sebastiano P. Genetic variants of membrane metallopeptidase genes in inflammatory bowel diseases. Dig Liver Dis. 2013 Dec;45(12):1003-10 (IF 3.162)
Tavano F, Pazienza V, Fontana A, Burbaci FP, Panebianco C, Saracino C, Lombardi L, De Bonis A, di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Piepoli A, Vinciguerra M, Fracavilla M, Giuliani F, Rubino R, Andriulli A, Mazzoccoli G. SIRT1 and circadian gene expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Effect of starvation. Chronobiol Int. 2015 Mar 23:1-16 (IF 2.8)
Tavano F, Fontana A, Pellegrini F, Burbaci FP, Rappa F, Cappello F, Copetti M, Maiello E, Lombardi L, Graziano P, Vinciguerra M, di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Andriulli A, Pazienza V. Modeling interactions between Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter-1 and other factors involved in the response to gemcitabine treatment to predict clinical outcomes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients. J Transl Med. 2014 Sep 10;12:248 (IF 3.99)
di Sebastiano P, Grottola T, Maysse A, Marino M, Zavattaro F, Flacco P, di Mola FF. A surgical department for intensified care. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 May;402(3):475-479. (IF: 1.367)
di Sebastiano P, Grottola T, di Mola FF. Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer and the role of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Updates Surg. 2016 Sep;68(3):235-239 (IF 2.46)
Tavano F, Copetti M, Piepoli A, Carella M, Gentile A, Burbaci FP, Fontana A, De Bonis A, di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Andriulli A. Support Vector Machine Based on microRNA Expression Profiles to Predict Histological Origin of Ampullary Carcinoma: Case Report of a Patient Affected From Adenocarcinoma of the Papilla of Vater With Lynch Syndrome. Pancreas. 2016 Apr;45(4):626-9. (IF 2.959)
Rosati A, Basile A, D'Auria R, d'Avenia M, De Marco M, Falco A, Festa M, Guerriero L, Iorio V, Parente R, Pascale M, Marzullo L, Franco R, Arra C, Barbieri A, Rea D, Menichini G, Hahne M, Bijlsma M, Barcaroli D, Sala G, di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Todoric J, Antonucci L, Corvest V, Jawhari A, Firpo MA, Tuveson DA, Capunzo M, Karin M, De Laurenzi V, Turco MC. BAG3 promotes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma growth by activating stromal macrophages. Nat Commun. 2015 Nov 2;6:8695 (IF 11.470)
Mazza T, Copetti M, Capocefalo D, Fusilli C, Biagini T, Carella M, De Bonis A, Mastrodonato N, Piepoli A, Pazienza V, Maiello E, di Mola FF, di Sebastiano P, Andriulli A, Tavano F. MicroRNA co-expression networks exhibit increased complexity in pancreatic ductal compared to Vater's papilla adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 31;8(62):105320-105339. (IF 5.168)
Panaccio P, Grottola T, Ricciardiello M, di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF. How we do it: totally laparoscopic complete mesocolon excision for splenic flexure cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2018 Sep;403(6):769-775. (IF: 1.367)
Curia MC, Fantini F, Lattanzio R, Tavano F, di Mola F, Piantelli M, Battista P, Di Sebastiano P, Cama A.High methylation levels of PCDH10 predict poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2019 May 14;19(1):452 (IF 3,288)
EuroSurg Collaborative. Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery. Br J Surg. 2020 Jan;107(2):e161-e169. (IF 5.899)
EuroSurg Collaborative. Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery. Br J Surg. 2020 Apr;107(5):552-559. (IF 5.899)
Ricciardiello M, Grottola T, Panaccio P, Esposito LM, Montemitro C, Mucilli F, Ciavarella D, di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF. Outcome after single-site robotic cholecystectomy: An initial single center's experience. Asian J Endosc Surg. 2020 Dec 2. doi: 10.1111/ases.12903.(IF 0.70)
Malerba V, Panaccio P, Grottola T, Cotellese R, Di Martino G, di Bartolomeo N, Raimondi P, di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF. Extracorporeal versus intracorporeal anastomosis after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: cost-effectiveness analysis. Ann Ital Chir. 2020;91:49-54. (IF 0.588)
di Mola FF, Grottola T, Panaccio P, Tavano F, De Bonis A, Valvano MR, Di Sebastiano P. End-to-side duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy A comparison trial of small versus larger jejunal incision. A single center experience. Ann Ital Chir. 2020;91:469-477. . (IF 0.588)
di Mola FF, Panaccio P, Grottola T, De Bonis A, Sapia G, Farrukh M, di Sebastiano P. Transduodenal surgical ampullectomy: a procedure that requires a multidisciplinary approach. Updates Surg. 2021 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s13304-020-00951-y. Online ahead of print. (IF 2.46)
Panaccio P, Grottola T, Percario R, Selvaggi F, Cericola S, Lapergola A, Farrukh M, Martino GD, Ricciardiello M, Di Sebastiano P, di Mola FF. Laparoscopic Versus Open Hartmann Reversal: A Case-Control Study. Surg Res Pract. 2021 Jan 23;2021:4547537. (IF 0.482)
The expression of Growth associated Protein 43 and clinical symptoms correlated in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Di Sebastiano P, Fink T, Weihe E, Friess H, Beger HG, di Mola FF, Innocenti P, Büchler MW. In: “Second World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association”. Editors A. Cavallari, A. Mazziotti, A. Principe; Monduzzi Editor, Bologna, 1996: 1075-1079
Appendicitis: the role of nerves in pain generation. P Di Sebastiano, T Fink, E Weihe, FF di Mola, H Friess, HG Beger, P Innocenti, MW Büchler. In “Acute appendicitis: standard treatment and the role of laparoscopic surgery”. Krähenbül L, Frei E, Klaiber Ch, Büchler MW (eds). Prog Surg. Basel, Karger, 1998, vol 25, pp 27-33
Octreotide as prophylaxis in surgery for chronic pancreatitis. Friess H, di Mola FF, Uhl W, Schilling M, Büchler MW. In Izbicki JR, Binmoeller KF, Soehendra N, eds. “Chronic pancreatitis – An interdisciplinary approach”. Berlin New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1997; 155-164
Correlation of pain, neural growth and inflammation in chronic pancreatitis. P. Di Sebastiano, H Friess, FF di Mola, MW Büchler. In Chronic pancreatitis: Novel Concepts in Biology and Therapy, Blackwell Publishing, 2001 pp177-183
Symptom relief in pancreatic disease: mechanism of nociception. P. Di Sebastiano, FF di Mola. In Pancreatic Disease, edited by C. Johnson and C. Imrie, Springer Verlag London, 2003
Conservative treatment of pain in chronic pancreatitis: guidelines for clinical routine. P. Di Sebastiano, M. Weigand, J. Köninger, FF di Mola, H. Friess, M.W. Büchler. In Clinical pancreatology for practising gastroenterologist and surgeons edited by J. Enrique Domìnguez-Muňz, Blackwell Publishing, 2004 pp 273-279
Management of chronic pancreatitis: a) conservative, b) endoscopic, c) surgical. P. Di Sebastiano, FF di Mola, H Friess and MW Büchler. By Leslie H. Blumgart, L.H. Blumgart (Editor) (eds.): Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tract and Pancreas, edition 2006, Sect. VII Chapt. 48
Chirurgia resettiva della pancreatite cronica. P. Di Sebastiano, H Friess, MW Büchler, FF di Mola. In Pedrazzoli S. et al. UTET 2006
di Mola FF, Mascetta G, De Bonis A, Di Sebastiano P. Gestione degli accidenti i.o. e delle complicanze p.o. precoci e tardive. In: Il trattamento chirurgico delle patologie pancreatiche. Ed W. Siquini Cap. 33. 2008
di Mola FF, Mascetta G, De Bonis A, Di Sebastiano P. Surgical treatment of pancreatic diesease. Ed. Springer. W Siquini. Cap. 31. 2008
Dirigente Medico Unità di Chirurgia Generale ad Indirizzo Oncologico, Casa di Cura Pierangeli, Piazza Pierangeli 1 Pescara (01.04.19- 01.12.2023)
Responsabile UOS di Chirurgia ad alta complessità e robotica c/o e Vice Primario Unità Complessa di Chirurgia Generale ad Indirizzo Oncologico, PO “SS Annunziata”, Chieti- PO “G Bernabeo” Ortona, ASL-2 Lanciano-Vasto-Chieti, Italia (Direttore: PD Dr. P. Di Sebastiano) (01.12.14- 31.03.2019)
Dirigente medico di I livello a tempo indeterminato, ASL2 Lanciano Vasto Chieti, Unità Complessa di Chirurgia Generale ad indirizzo oncologico, ASL 2 Lanciano-Vasto Chieti- PO “G Bernabeo” Ortona, Italia (Direttore: PD Dr. P. Di Sebastiano) (01.10.13- 31.11.2014)
Comando in qualità di dirigente medico di I livello, ASL2 Lanciano Vasto Chieti, Unità Complessa di Chirurgia Generale ad indirizzo oncologico, ASL 2 Lanciano-Vasto Chieti - PO “G Bernabeo” Ortona, Italia (Direttore: PD Dr. P. Di Sebastiano) (16.01.13- 30.09.2013)
Dirigente medico di I livello a tempo indeterminato, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale, Unità di Chirurgia Addominale, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italia (Direttore: PD Dr. P. Di Sebastiano) (14.02.05- 15.01.2013)
Assistente medico specialista in Chirurgia Generale, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale e dei Trapianti dell’Università di Heidelberg, Germania (Direttore: Prof. M.W. Büchler) (01.02.02- 13.02.2005)
Research Fellow, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Viscerale e dei Trapianti, Università di Berna, Inselspital, Berna, Svizzera (Direttore: Prof. Dr. M.W. Büchler), (01.01.1996-01.10.1997)
Specializzando in Chirurgia Generale, Università G. D’Annunzio, Unità di Chirurgia Generale e Laparoscopia, Chieti, Italia (Direttore: Prof. P. Innocenti) (1996- 2001)
Laurea specialistica in Cardiologia presso l'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Ricercatore Cardiovascolare presso l'Università degli studi di L'Aquila
Primario di Cardiologia presso la Casa Di Cura Pierangeli di Pescara
The secret life of the mitral valve.
Calafiore AM, Totaro A, Testa N, Sacra C, Castellano G, Guarracini S, Di Marco M, Prapas S, Gaudino M, Lorusso R, Paparella D, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2021 Jan;36(1):247-259. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15151. Epub 2020 Nov 1.PMID: 33135267 Review.
Using the coronary lithotripsy system for coronary artery disease.
Venuti G, Piedimonte G, Castellana C, Ferrarotto L, Guarracini S, Azzalini L, Manna A.Future Cardiol. 2021 Jan;17(1):59-71. doi: 10.2217/fca-2020-0034. Epub 2020 Jun 12.PMID: 32530304 Review.
Ischemic mitral regurgitation: Changing rationale of reparative surgical strategy.
Calafiore AM, Prapas S, Katsavrias K, Totaro A, Di Marco M, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M.Hellenic J Cardiol. 2021 Jan- Feb;62(1):35-37. doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2020.12.003. Epub 2021 Jan 6.PMID: 33421582 Free article. No abstract available.
Left ventricular surgical remodeling 2.0.
Calafiore AM, Prapas S, Katsavrias K, Di Marco M, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2021 Jan;36(1):298-299. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15119. Epub 2020 Nov 1.PMID: 33131115
Insights Into Coronary Sinus Reducer Non-Responders.
Ponticelli F, Khokhar AA, Albani S, Tzanis G, Gallo F, Guarracini S, Banai S, Colombo A, Giannini F.J Invasive Cardiol. 2021 Nov;33(11):E884-E889. Epub 2021 Sep 17.PMID: 34544037 Free article.
31/10/18 © European Union, 2002-2018 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 4
Curriculum vitae Guarracini Stefano
The best approach for functional tricuspid regurgitation: A network meta-analysis.
Di Mauro M, Lorusso R, Parolari A, Ravaux JM, Bonalumi G, Guarracini S, Ricci F, Benedetto U, Calafiore AM.J Card Surg. 2021 Jun;36(6):2072-2080. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15378. Epub 2021 Mar 2.PMID: 33651449 Review.
Is surgery the fair competitor for MitraClip?
Di Mauro M, Raviola E, Guarracini S, Di Marco M, Lorusso R, Calafiore AM.J Card Surg. 2021 Mar;36(3):1120-1122. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15295. Epub 2021 Jan 11.PMID: 33428264
Wrapping of the moderately dilated ascending aorta by fresh autologous pericardium.
Prapas S, Katsavrias K, Di Mauro M, Zografos P, Guarracini S, Papandreopoulou S, Calafiore AM.J Card Surg. 2022 Jan 28. doi: 10.1111/jocs.16272. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35092093
A historical appraisal of the techniques of left ventricular volume reduction in ischemic cardiomyopathy: Who did what?
Calafiore AM, Totaro A, Prapas S, Katsavrias K, Guarracini S, Lorusso R, Paparella D, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2022 Feb;37(2):409-414. doi: 10.1111/jocs.16144. Epub 2021 Nov 23.PMID: 34812531 Review.
Respect or resect: A single strategy does not fit all.
Calafiore AM, Castellano G, Guarracini S, Di Marco M, Totaro A, Sacra C, Katsavrias K, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2021 Mar;36(3):969-970. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15318. Epub 2021 Jan 11.PMID: 33428260 No abstract available.
[Role of fractional flow reserve for invasive functional evaluation in surgical myocardial revascularization: available evidence and state of the art].
Di Marco M, Vitulli P, Forlani D, D'Alleva A, Pezzi L, Magnano R, Civitarese T, Guarracini S, Di Marco L, Calafiore AM, Paloscia L.G Ital Cardiol (Rome). 2022 Jan;23(1):43-51. doi: 10.1714/3715.37062.PMID: 34985462 Review. Italian.
Patient-prosthesis mismatch is a preventable disease but how to prevent it is a story not yet written.
Calafiore AM, Totaro A, Guarracini S, Prapas S, Di Marco M, Katsavrias K, Gaudino M, Lorusso R, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2021 Mar;36(3):978-980. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15317. Epub 2021 Jan 11.PMID: 33428258 No abstract available.
Reply to: "The importance of evaluating coronary sinus blood flow during the coronary sinus reducer treatment".
Giannini F, Ponticelli F, Guarracini S, Tzanis G.Int J Cardiol. 2021 Aug 1;336:46. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.04.056. Epub 2021 Apr 30.PMID: 33933511 No abstract available.
Coronary sinus size and ischemia improvement after reducer implantation; "one size to fit them all?".
Tzanis G, Khokhar AA, Ponticelli F, Gallone G, Palmisano A, Esposito A, Beneduce A, Guarracini S, Colombo A, Giannini F.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Sep;98(3):E365-E369. doi: 10.1002/ccd.29699. Epub 2021 Apr 14.PMID: 33851771
Efficacy of coronary sinus reducer implantation in patients with chronic total occlusion of the right coronary artery.
Mrak M, Pavšič N, Ponticelli F, Beneduce A, Palmisano A, Guarracini S, Esposito A, Banai S, Žižek D, Giannini F, Bunc M.Kardiol Pol. 2022;80(1):25-32. doi: 10.33963/KP.a2021.0132. Epub 2021 Oct 13.PMID: 34643262
Mitral valve repair for mitral regugitation in the elderly: Yes, we have to, but look at the etiologies!
Calafiore AM, Di Marco M, Guarracini S, Katsavrias K, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2021 Jul;36(7):2531-2532. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15507. Epub 2021 Mar 30.PMID: 33783016
Safety and efficacy of coronary sinus narrowing in chronic refractory angina: Insights from the RESOURCE study.
Ponticelli F, Khokhar AA, Leenders G, Konigstein M, Zivelonghi C, Agostoni P, van Kuijk JP, Ajmi I, Lindsay S, Bunc M, Tebaldi M, Cafaro A, Cheng K, Ielasi A, Patterson T, Wolter JS, Sgura F, De Marco F, Ioanes D, D'Amico G, Ciardetti M, Berti 31/10/18 © European Union, 2002-2018 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu
S, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M, Gallone G, Dekker M, Silvis MJM, Tarantini G, Redwood S, Colombo A, Liebetrau C, de Silva R, Rapezzi C, Ferrari R, Campo G, Schnupp S, Timmers L, Verheye S, Stella P, Banai S, Giannini F.Int J Cardiol. 2021 Aug 15;337:29-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.05.034. Epub 2021 May 21.PMID: 34029618
Totally thoracoscopic concomitant left atrial appendage closure and left ventricular epicardial lead implantation.
Guarracini F, Branzoli S, Marini M, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M, Calafiore AM, La Meir M.J Card Surg. 2021 Nov;36(11):4403- 4406. doi: 10.1111/jocs.15928. Epub 2021 Aug 21.PMID: 34418154
Successful implantation of S-ICD using the intermuscular two-incision technique in a patient with severe pectus excavatum.
Guarracini F, Marini M, Strazzanti M, Bonmassari R, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M, Droghetti A.Clin Case Rep. 2021 Nov 25;9(11):e05143. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5143. eCollection 2021 Nov.PMID: 34853691 Free PMC article.
Additive and independent prognostic role of abnormal right ventricle and pulmonary hypertension in mitral-tricuspid surgery.
Di Mauro M, Foschi M, Tancredi F, Guarracini S, Di Marco M, Habib AM, Kheirallah H, Alsaied M, Alfonso JJ, Gallina S, Calafiore AM.Int J Cardiol. 2018 Feb 1;252:39-43. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.11.031. Epub 2017 Nov 14.PMID: 29174017
Thyrocervical trunk pseudoaneurysm following central venous catheterization.
Mazzei V, Benvenuto D, Gagliardi M, Guarracini S, Di Mauro M.J Card Surg. 2011 Nov;26(6):617-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1540- 8191.2011.01321.x. Epub 2011 Sep 19.PMID: 21929740
01/07/2014 – Current - Physician Synergo Srl, Pescara (Italy) Hemodynamist Unità di Emodinamica at La Casa Di Cura Pierangeli di Pescara, Director Stefano Guarracini. Main activity: Hemodynamic operating room, Work in Arrhythmology department, Clinical Cardiology department and clinical research work.
05/2011–09/2012 Physician - Casa di Cura Pierangeli, Pescara (Italy) Surgeon, Cardiology Specialist (University: Università degli Studi di L’Aquila) - Resident Cardiologist at La Casa Di Cura Pierangeli, main acitivities:
- Cardiology department,
- Unit Therapy Intensive Cardiologic
- Department of: clinical arrhythmology, electrophysiology and electrostimulation
- Cardiology ambulatory: echocardiography, ergometry, heart failure clinic, arrhythmology clinic and
control of electrostimulation devices as pacemaker and defibrillators. single and dual-chamber pacemaker electrostimulation devices, defibrillators
- Electrophysiology and Electrostimulation operating room
03/2011–05/2011 Physician Mazzini di Teramo Hospital, Teramo (Italy) Surgeon Cardiology Specializing at Università degli Studi di L’Aquila - Main activities during training at Cardiology department in U.O.C. Mazzini di Teramo, Prof C.Napoletan.: Hemodynamics department: 300 CRF 131 PTCA.
03/2009–02/2010 Physician - Casa Di Cura "DI LORENZO", Avezzano (Italy) Cardiology Surgeon specializing at Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, main acitivities: Internal Medicine department, Intensive Care e Cardiology ambulatory (echocardiografy, ECG-Holter)
07/2004-09/2004 ASL L’Aquila Avezzano Sulmona, Tagliacozzo (Italy) Medicine and Surgery student at
U.O.C. Rehabilitation Cardiology, Umberto I Hospital - ASL L’Aquila Avezzano Sulmona - Variante Tiburtina Valeria street , 67069 Tagliacozzo; L'Aquila Main activities: department of Rehabilitation Cardiology and Cardiology ambulatories (ergometry laboratory, ECG-Holter and echocardiography) Academic year 2003/2004
11/2006-10/2007 ASL L’Aquila Avezzano Sulmona, Tagliacozzo (Italy) Medicine and Surgery student at
U.O.C. Rehabilitation Cardiology, Umberto I Hospital - ASL L’Aquila Avezzano Sulmona Variante Tiburtina Valeria street, 6706 Tagliacozzo; Main activities: department of Rehabilitation Cardiology and Cardiology ambulatories (ergometry laboratory, ECG-Holter and echocardiography) Academic year 2003/2004